Safari/iPad and iPhone
1. Hit the Home key to return to the desktop.
2. Tap Settings
3. Scroll down left-hand-side to the Safari option. Tap Safari
4. Scroll down right-hand-side to find Clear History and Website data. Tap Clear History and Website data. When prompted select Clear to confirm the operation.
5. Return to the browser and refresh the portal web page.
1. Click on ... (top right of Chrome) to show menu (see below)
2. Tap Settings
3. Tap Privacy
4. Tap Clear browsing data
5. Select Time Range All Time
6. Tick top three items in the list
7. Tap Clear Browsing Data (and confirm)
8. Tap Done
9. Refresh the portal web page
Windows - How to hard reset portal website on Windows (Chrome)
Open the poral website and hit CTRL + F5 to hard refresh Chrome .