This page contains helpful information regarding CHG's Onsite Flu Vaccination program.
Booking Request
Complete the Influenza Booking request form to register your interest for an onsite flu vaccination booking.
Your booking will be confirmed by email providing the date and time, information about your booking and how to manage it and links to important information and documents.
Managing your Booking
There are 3 options for managing your booking
1. Manually - once your time has been provided we recommend that you allocate each team member with a specific time for their vaccination. The nurse will take approximately 2 minutes per person so to keep things moving smoothly we recommend you work in 10 minute blocks and schedule 5 people in each. Paper consent forms must be completed and brought to the appointments.
If you are managing your booking manually, please download, print and distribute the Consent Form and ask your staff to bring the completed Consent Form with them to the appointment.
The Consent Form can be downloaded from the CHG Influenza Vaccination webpage:
2. Electronically - Employer to book - A link will be included in your booking confirmation email. This link should be shared with all employees who will then complete the sign up page and the Flu Vaccination Consent form to complete their registration.
The coordinator will also need to complete the sign up process but also register as the authorised person. This will allow them to see who has registered for vaccinations in "My Bookings" and book an appointment time for each person. The session will be divided into 10 minute time slots with 5 people able to be booked into each time.
3. Electronically - Employee to book - A link will be included in your booking confirmation email. This link should be shared with all employees who will then complete the sign up page, book an appointment and complete the Flu Vaccination Consent form to complete their registration.
The coordinator will also need to complete the sign up process but also register as the authorised person. This will allow them to see who has registered for vaccinations in "My Bookings" and see their appointment times.
Vaccination Program Flyer
We have available two flyers which you can use to advertise your onsite appointment time to encourage maximum staff participation on the day.
There are two versions of the flyer with applicable wording for Government and non-Government organisations. Please choose the appropriate version for your organisation.
The flyer can be downloaded from the CHG Influenza Vaccination webpage:
Consumer Medicine Information
The attached Consumer Medicine Information sheet provides general information on the Afluria ® vaccine and answers some of the common questions people have regarding the vaccine. Please print and distribute to your staff as you require.
The Consumer Medicine Information can be downloaded from the CHG Influenza Vaccination webpage:
Evidence of Vaccination
If you are using the manual booking process staff members may ask the nurse for evidence of their vaccination.
If you are using the electronic booking process a certificate of vaccination will be created which can be access by the coordinator and the staff member.
The coordinator will be able to access all staff members certificates via the "My Bookings" tab.
Staff member will receive an email following their appointment which confirms their vaccination and contains a link to access their certificate.